Thursday, June 21, 2007

Finally exercised...keeping track of first things

This probably sounds pretty lame, but I've been having a difficult time exercising lately.  I know it helps me function better.  It's good for my mind, my spirit and my body....but I haven't done it.

ex2In fact, when I consulted Joes Goals, my daily goals tracker, I realized I hadn't exercised in  57 days.  Yikes!  I confess.  I am a hopeless sloth when it comes to exercise. 

The point of this post isn't so much about what a sluggard I am.  It's really about the importance of developing tools that help us keep track of the agreements we've made with ourselves.

I continue to use Joes Goals to do help me keep track of the "first things" in my life, the things that have the biggest pay-off 120 days from now.  I first wrote about JG back in January around New Years and have been using it about a year.

How do you keep track of the agreements you've made with yourself? 


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1 comment:

Mark said...

Don't feel too bad about it Jeff. I'm sure taking your kids swimming was more important in the long run (but maybe that counts as your exercise also?)