Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Review of Active Words

Trevor Claiborne over at The Student Tablet PC site has written the review of ActiveWords that I've always wanted to write. He does a great job of explaining the program that really does "make your computer smarter" or "puts the personal back in personal computer". I've been using AW for about a year now and couldn't live without it.
ActiveWords saves me huge amounts of time by automating things I do every day. Check out Trevor's review and see if this wouldn't make your life easier.

The Student Tablet PC: ActiveWords Overview
ActiveWords Overview

Now that Buzz has essentially made activewords free to all tablet users (link)[Correction: The free ActiveWords offer expired on 12/31/05. ActiveWords does offer a generous 60-day trial, and the program is WELL worth the money], now's the time to check it out. I also figured that there would be a lot of new activeword users, and I wanted to help get them up to speed and introduce them to some of the more powerful functions of activewords. More after the jump...

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