Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Scoble Video: explaining RSS and feed readers


Robert Scoble posted a great video with Eric Englemann, general manager of Bloglines.

I can't imagine how I would keep up with all of the things I'm interested in without a feed reader.  Having converted from NewsGator to Google Reader I can't imagine how people can live without them.

This summer I set my mother up with a GMail account so she could use Reader to track the her favorite blogs.  She's never looked back.  Explaining RSS isn't always easy.  This video does a pretty good job, even if it's couched in a very geeky context.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hi Jeff,
I think the link you posted to the video may have changed... it's about hybrid drives. I enjoyed reading about you in EMQ the other day... keep up the good work!