Thursday, March 30, 2006

NewsGator Oneline overhaul

Yesterday I wrote that NewsGator is one of my "must have" applications. NewsGator uses RSS, or "Really Simple Syndication," to bring you up to the minute news, blogs, sports, images, audio and more. If you don't really understand RSS, check out Newsgator's explanation here.
Why bother? Here's one example. The president of my organization has a blog and it has...well, just two entries. The vice-president of my division also has a blog; he also has two entries. My immediate boss blogs...he has lots of entries. How do I know when they've posted something new? Do I check their blogs every day? Not likely; they don't post often enough. So what if I could leave the checking of these sites to my computer. That's what an RSS "aggregator" does. It pulls in content from the places you chose, when you chose and deposits it where you chose.
The Newsgator suite of applications does this very well. NG is actually a series of applications: an Outlook add-in, a stand alone reader, a Mac client and a web-based reader. You can use as many or few of the products as you want, but they all synchronize with each other. That is, if I read a blog entry or a new article in my Outlook add-in, it automatically marks the article as "read" on the web-based reader as well.

Marc Orchant and Ed Bott both have great write ups of the new deal.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Being a technological troglodyte, I read your blog avidly to see how many completely new-to-me words you can put in a single paragraph, and then ask my husband and friends if they've ever heard of this stuff. I persist in reading because eventually something is bound to sink in. I think I get why Newsgator is helpful now. Thank you!